Assistance in private household

Denne annonce er udl�bet
Denne annonce er hentet fra jobarkivet p�
Bem�rk, at annoncen er udl�bet og virksomheden derfor sandsynligvis ikke l�ngere modtager ans�gninger.

Job beskrivelse:
We are looking for a diligent, stable person for our household with a certain sense of ability of adapt.
Tasks include
- washing and ironing
- tidying up
- cleaning
- walking the dog from time to time
- other house hold chores
Valid permission to Work in Denmark is required as well as clean criminal record. Non-smoker preferred.
Questions and application per mail, pls. (and not phone or sms).
Profile: Could be a student at enrolled at a higher education. Please indicate if you have special skills, like being able to repair clothes, experience from hotel work etc.
Start date: 1 August or earlier
Workhours: 1-2 days during daytime or late afternoon during the week, and 1 time during the weekend (save for student trips etc., were your scheduled may be altered).

Skriv venligst i din ans�gning, at du s� annoncen p�


Antal timer:
Kontakt person:

Family in Klampenborg
Taarb�k Strandvej 44, 2930
150 Kr. /Timen
10-15 Pr. uge
Mette Klingsten
[email protected]
+ 45 3144 0100
Tilf�jet: 05-06-2017