Denne annonce er udl�betDenne annonce er hentet fra jobarkivet p�
Bem�rk, at annoncen er udl�bet og virksomheden derfor sandsynligvis ikke l�ngere modtager ans�gninger.
Job beskrivelse:
Hi! Digital engagement is our movement. Our teams of Mods chat with customers, moderate web content, manage communities and buzz in social media, all for the world�s coolest brands. We are the Mods!
We are seeking digital engagement specialists (Mods) to provide moderation and customer support services for our growing list of clients and exciting projects.
Must be a native speaker in Danish and fluent in English
Desired Skills and Experience
Who you are:
You have a passion for gaming, e-commerce, entertainment and/or online communities
You are smart and level headed
You are sharp witted and kindhearted
You have excellent problem solving skills
You are a fast learner, able to quickly adapt to changing client needs
You are an excellent communicator (written and oral)
You have experience with digital engagement: customer support, moderation, social media or community management
You have experience with a variety of CRM systems to engage with customers via ticket (web), live chat, phone and social
Native speaker in Danish and fluent in English
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