Free-lance mystery shoppers needed all across Denmark
Denne annonce er udl�betDenne annonce er hentet fra jobarkivet p�
Bem�rk, at annoncen er udl�bet og virksomheden derfor sandsynligvis ikke l�ngere modtager ans�gninger.
Job beskrivelse:
YourGlobalEye is a marketing research company specialized in visual mystery shopping.
We offer you an interesting experience where your task is to visit stores and take some photos of diverse product displays.
It is a free-lance position, where your payment depends on the amount of stores you are willing to visit. We are especially interested in people from smaller towns: Kolding, Esbjerg, Fredericia, Haderslev, Nyk�bing, Herning, Nyborg, N�stved, S�nderborg, Thisted etc.
After you have uploaded the data on our website, you will receive the payment already in 1-2 days. For more information check
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