Graphic Student Job at Trifork
Denne annonce er udl�betDenne annonce er hentet fra jobarkivet p�
Bem�rk, at annoncen er udl�bet og virksomheden derfor sandsynligvis ikke l�ngere modtager ans�gninger.
Job beskrivelse:
We are an international software company based in Aarhus Denmark and we are looking for a talented graphic artist to help with various print and digital projects that we are working on. It is a great opportunity for a graphic design student to learn with experts in an exciting and fast moving environment. So if you are a design or graphic student and you are looking for new challenges we encourage you to send your CV and some examples of your work to us.
Skilled in using Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop go InDesign
Currently a student based in Aarhus
This position is based in Aarhus Denmark.
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